The user who is going to create a new account in SYSCGAA needs to open a browser of his or her choice. Any browsers with JavaScript enabled can be used. However, we recommend to user Google Chrome as a browser.


a.     Open a browser from your computer or from your mobile phone. Opening a browser from computer needs to double click on the browser icon on your computer desktop or from All Programs section.


b.     Type the URL in your browser and hit enter, or else just click here. If the internet connection is stable, you could see the below mention login screen.



c.     Click on "Create New Account" button.




2.    Account Validation


a.     In the screen shown, enter your National Identity Card number and click on the "Check Validation" button.



b.     If your account already registered, you will be getting a message which will read as Your Account Already Registered!



c.     New users who don't have account on SYSCGAA will be getting a screen which looks like the below.



3.    Basic Details



a.     Red circle on the signup step indicates which section you are currently entering data for. Black circled details need to be entered.




All the fields in Basic Details are mandatory fields so all the fields First Name, Last Name, Name with initials, Gender, Date of Birth and Race should be filled.


*Note: "Name with initials" filed will accept space and alphabetic character only so avoid using period in between characters in initials. This filed accept space so use space instead of period. 

(E.g.: IF your name is "W.A.S. Perera" type this name as "W A S Perera")


*Note: "Date of Birth" field will accept the date in the format of "mm/dd/yyyy" so first enter the month then the day after that enter the year. Also, you can use the available date picker attached in the field.

(E.g.: If your birth date is 12th of January 1990 then you should enter it as 01/12/1990) 




c.     Once all the fields are filled correctly then click on the "Save Basic Details" button which appears below the "Race" field.





d.     If any of the required field is not filled, then there will be an error message and the form will not go to the next stage. Correctly fill all the details and click again if the it shows any errors like below.



e.     If the birth year is not matched with the NIC number given to register it will show the below mentioned error message. NIC number should be accurate to the birth date to proceed to the next step.



f.      If all the fields are filled and clicked the "Save Basic Details" button, then it will take you to the "Family Members" adding step. 


4.    Family Details


a.     Family Members details will be filled to include family details to the system. You need to enter every person on your family one by one.



b.     "Member Name" field should be filled with the name of the relative whose details are going to be given. "Relationship" field need to be filled with the relationship which you have with the relative. "Gender" field should indicate the gender of the person. "Date of Birth" field should be given with the birth data of the person with the month/date/year format discussed above.


Once all the details for in Family Members section added click on "ADD MEMBER" button which will save the added record




c.     Once a family member record added successfully you can see the added member in the form which is shown on the figure below.


d.     If you want to delete the added member for any reason you can delete it by using the recycle bin icon which is shown next to the added member in the above picture.


e.     You can add another family member after filling the form and clicking on the "ADD MEMBER" button


5.    Appointment Details

a.     Once you added all the family members, you can proceed further by clicking on the number 3 circled icon or you can click on "Page 3" button. Here you need to enter your appointment details.

b.     Choose the ministry under which your appointment is given. You can select one of the dropdown options here. If your ministry is not listed in the dropdown items, choose "Others" option.

c.     In the department option, choose your current department where you are working now.

d.     Designation field need to be given from the dropdown. You need to choose your current designation from the dropdown menu.

e.     In the "Name in Appointment Letter" field need to be filled using your name mentioned in your appointment letter. 

f.      "First Duty Assume Date" field need to be given the date in which you have assumed your first duty as a government employee.

g.     Once filled the appointment details, "Save Appointment Details" button need to be clicked to proceed further.

h.     Once the appointment details saved the circled number 2 will become green color which indicates the record successfully saved.


6.    Workstation Details


a.     Current working place details need to be added in this screen. According to the working place choose one option from the dropdown menu appears while clicking on "Workstation Level" dropdown.


a.     If you are working in Ministry of Home Affairs, then you need to choose "Ministry of Home Affairs" in the dropdown.


b.     People working from District Secretariat or Divisional Secretariat or Grama Niladhari Level, they should choose their appropriate option.


c.     If you choose District Secretariat, then a new field will appear to enter your district. Likewise, if you select Divisional Secretariat two new fields will appear one will ask for district and the other will ask for division. If you choose Grama Niladhari need to add GN division in the third new field.


b.     Fille all the fields according to your working place then click on the "Save Workstation" button. If the data added successfully, you could see the green color circled icon with number 3. 


c.     Click on "Page 4" or circled number 4 to proceed further.


7.    Contact Details

a.   All the fields are mandatory in contact details area therefor need to have an email address and a working mobile number to fill this area.


b.   Firstly, need to select the province in which your residence comes under. If you select your province in the province list, it will show districts only available for that province in the below "District" field.


c.   If you choose your district of residence, then it will show the appropriate divisional secretariates for that district. Also, choose divisions and GN divisions in the same order.


d.   Type your house no or village name in the "House No/Street Name/Village/Town" field.


e.   Once all the fields are typed correctly click on the "Save Personal Address" button. If everything entered correctly you can notice the green color filled circle in number 4.






8.    Profile Picture


a.     A professional recently taken photograph needs to be used to add data for this page. Please avoid using common photographs to make sure you are identified by the people in higher officers.


b.     Click on the dummy photo in the profile picture to choose a photo











c.     Navigate to the correct folder where you are having the photo and select the photo then click Open button.




In the crop screen focus your face and center the image correctly then click on "Crop" button. It will automatically set the picture in the place where dummy picture was previously placed.
























e.     Click on "Upload / Refresh" button to finalize the profile picture upload. Once profile picture is successfully uploaded the "Profile Picture" circle with number 5 will be in green color.


f.      Click on "Page 6 >" button to go to the next step. 


9.    User Credentials



a.     Final Submit step will be showing with a checkbox. You must agree on the declaration and click inside the check box. 


b.     Once the check box is ticked it will show the credentials for login to SYSCGAA.








c.     Note down the user id and password to keep it in a safe and accessible place.


d.     Don't share the user credentials with others in any circumstances.


e.     Once you noted down the user credentials click on "Create My Account" button


f.      Once you click on the "Create My Account" button it will create an account in the database and show a message stating that, "Your Account Created Successfully.".


g.     Now click on the home button in the top of the window which will redirect to login screen


h.     Now you can login using the given username and password in the steps above.